After the "Forum of Cities and Juries" which was held in Helsinki on 21 and 22 of October and after the final works of the national juries across Europe, finally published the winning projects of this fourteenth edition!
The national closing event + workshop for Cuneo is foreseen in January 2018 to start very quickly with the implememntation process.
1003 projects from around the world in response to the 44 programs proposed by promoters of the sites of the 13 European countries organizers of the competition. 24 proposals for Cuneo site, 70% of the registered teams. Italian designers, as always in the front row, are on the podium both in Europe and in Italy. Here are the award-winning projects for the Cuneo site. For all the results go to the website of the europan europe. ITALIAN VERSION

WINNER: Green is the colour

AUTHORS: Federico Aru e Michela Serra
The topic of productive city is for Cuneo a theme which strictly links urban and rural spheres. The agri-food sector is a territorial excellence and it is predominant not only in economy, but also in the society and customs of this place, that is why Cuneo can be defined as a rural city, a territory city, an agricultural city. In this case the productive city comes out of the urban boundaries to advance into an active, productive, natural landscape which regulates the inhabitants life. This connection between the inside and the outside - which finds its validity in the historical roots of the city - allows to the project for the ex Caserma di Montezemolo to move on several scales. A first strategic scale explores the relationships of use with the outside: a great public pole of excellence for the agri-food sector innovation, where young people can put into contact, stimulate each other and establish collaborative relationships with companies and public institutions. Rural production joins the city with a compatible use, that one of the intangible, high specialization, research, innovation and exchange.
First of all the project tries to work on the limit between the urban inside and the rural outside. This boundary is identified with the Stura and Gesso rivers park, which today has any relationship with the strategic site area. Therefore the aim is to connect the banks through the connection of the all green spaces - including the ex Caserma Montezemolo - which could constitute a unique large public space where a low cost network of sustainable mobility is possible.  In the short-range relationships the proposal insists on the bond with the nearest existing facilities, basing on the idea that the site transformation might reactivate its surroundings spontaneously. The program is based on some key points: innovation and collaboration, culture, sport and spare time. 
At the scale of the object, the park nourishes from three fundamental elements: the wall, the vegetation and the large pavilions. These three elements and their relationships change depending on the conditions of use and seasons through their changeability, permanence and transformation.
The large open spaces and the circuit are the places of sociality and those places where temporary events like exhibitions, performances and sports events might occur. The buildings are considered as large empty containers, exhibition pavilions that might accommodate different uses and temporary events.


PROGETTISTI: Cristina Renzoni, Ianira Vassallo, Silvia Lanteri, Eudes Vito Margaria
collaboratori: Giorgia Greco
The project MAKING ROOM(S) aims to propose an original perspective on the city of CUNEO, starting both from a wide and a narrow point of observation.  The first one highlights the strict connection with Cuneo’s environmental and regional context: the Alpine region with its rivers, the wooded areas, and the agricultural landscape contribute to the creation of renowned excellences in the food&wine sector, playing a relevant role in defining the very identity of this place. The second point of observation looks at the scale of the city and neighborhoods, and highlights their remarkable social capital, constituted by a rich network of civic and economic associations, both medium and small-sized, that ensure a vibrant urban life. From this perspective, the project area offers the opportunity to draw up a new centrality, dealing with an emerging demand for community-building.  For these reasons the project is figured out as the result of a simulated process of collaboration and inclusion, and it treats the dismissed space of the barracks as a COMMON GOOD. 
MAKING ROOM(S) starts from here: a potential involvement of local communities; a project of liveable spaces; a possible program of uses. Together. Step by step. Room by room. ADOPT A SPACE: CREATE A COMMON GOOD.  WHERE? 
In the spaces of the former barracks but not only there. The plan is structured around other meaningful and potential places of the city. It is a project made of rooms, each one has a vocation and a mission but they are all open and interlinked. The rooms would support different functions and could be switched-on in different times and ways during the day and the week.
WHY? There are at least three reasons that make this project essential and innovative: 1) to make more visible the relation between the city and its own territory; 2) to allow the creation of new spaces of centrality beyond the traditional ones; 3) to experience a new way of planning the city, more conscious and inclusive. This view promotes the involvement of local communities and associations in order to structure an innovative idea of space where research, loisir, business and culture are interlinked.
WHO? The main stakeholder are you! Send us an idea: we will build together your ideal space, we will involve as many people as possible, MAKING ROOM(S) is the engine for the creation of a COMMON GOOD that would be adopted by the city and everybody would take care of it!


AUTHOR: Andrea Alberto Dutto
collaborators: Andrea Aliangena, Chiara Genta, Andrea Giordano

The idea of the project is to keep the military barracks, by re-functionalizing the existing buildings, and introducing new structures, in order to activate the site with different kind of productive functions. The traditional concepts of craftsmanship, agriculture, and digital production are considered as categories of the wider concept of cultural production. 
The project assumes three elements that seemingly provide the city its specific characterization, like: the Main Street (or Strip), the ‘islands’, and the markets. Each one of these elements introduces a project hypothesis. The first hypothesis is that strengthening the offer of cultural services and innovative production facilities could increase the social attractiveness of the newly built residential districts. For this reason, the existing barracks’ building overlooking the Main Street is converted into a cultural center and together with a large auditorium it constitutes a cluster marked by a large portico.
The second hypothesis is that the isolated figure of the barracks can be maintained as a characteristic sign of the city, irrespective of a specific functional purpose. In this sense, the martial stiffness of the barracks is attenuated and converted into a garden with organic and sinuous shapes that give the existing buildings a new, informal and contaminated environment for leisure and fun. Buildings inside the barracks are all preserved and refunctionalized as productive buildings with the addition of light structures such as covered trails and pavilions. The individual buildings are connected by a covered circuit that moves sinuously inside the garden in order to generate different sights and glimpses of nature. Moreover, a new building raised from the level of the ground by the means of slender pillars is designed to accommodate a Fablab, namely a facility for processing and digital production of objects.
Finally, the third hypothesis is that inserting a market within the area can re-activate the southern neighborhoods of the city as well as establishing a collaboration between social actors, institutions and local producers. In this case, the barracks’ building on via Giordanengo is re-activated as a covered market, which is further crossed by a newly built covered trail which sides are dedicated to peddlers.
These three project hypothesis imply therefore a difficult whole, namely an aggregation of elements in apparent state of collision, contrast, and mutual tension.


AUTHOR: Francesco Lenzini
collaborators: Andrea Mologni, Margherita Marri, Martina Corbella, Jacopo Rosa, Francesca Luci

Cuneo is its landscapes. The project is conceived to be an incubator and to preserve the land biodiversity through a strategy that will develop in time until 2050 when the goal will be achieved: all the area will be a forest. The proposal is related to the natural environment offered by parchi fluviali Gesso and Stura and is working as a green area as well as a gathering point for the community. The project aims to develop the condition of Cuneo as a productive city through the engagement of new economical and social possibilities. The project is composed by different buildings hosting different functions in order to increase the amount of possible users and to make this area alive for different reasons and in different time. The architectural approach aims to minimize footprint and to re use all the existing buildings, increasing at the same time their performance in terms of energy: a light and easy steel structure that is overlapped to the existing structure and acts as a cover.  The strategy of the growing forest of the Piazza d’Armi is developed in time and scheduled in four phases. At the beginning the light architectures determine the full and the forest is the void, that by growing will overturn the roles that at the end of the project the forest will be the full space and the light architectures will progressively disappear determining the voids.  
In the first one all the radura-nursery born, spreading into the future park to provide the amount of trees that will grow little by little in the forest. Smalls trees are planted in the area integrating the existing vegetation. The first new structure hosts the empathy room.  In the second phase the radura-nursery starts to host some rooms for b&b experience in the forest. Little by little the trees starts to grow. The second new structures host the otium room and the handy room. In the third phase the radura-nursery stops to be a nursery, continuing to hosts rooms and at the same time it open its spaces to different public uses. The woods are grow becoming a full space. The third new structure hosts the dynamic room. In the fourth phase the radura-nursery disappears leaving big voids in the woods that can host different events of different sizes. The fourth new structure hosts the base camp. In a future scenario the project can define a biodiversity corridor designed as a pergola that enable to link through a filament the two parks, in the hypothesis of closing the road, keeping the underpass.


AUTHORS: Andrea Benelli, Vincenzo Moschetti, Giacomo Razzolini, Davide Lucia, Elisa Monaci, Luisa Palermo
Tu sei come una terra / che nessuno ha mai detto.
Tu non attendi nulla / se non la parola / che sgorgherà dal fondo / come un frutto tra i rami.
C’è un vento che ti giunge. [Cesare Pavese | Ottobre 1945]

Reading the verses of Cesare Pavese written about seventy years ago, the images of the Langhe immediately comes to mind, those cultured lands, such as the hills full of colours and those long vineyards filled with precious grape. 
The richness of the landscape surrounding the city of Cuneo therefore suggests in its dense atmospheres many project themes. It thus becomes pervasive in the composition, defining criteria and architectural moments. This necessary interaction between man and nature appears in the drawing of the new path proposed for the area of the barracks Caserma Montezemolo.
A new urban park is born, between the barracks and the Arms square, it is a new weaving of the city, ready to welcome many different attractive activities, becoming an educational and community place. The project deal with the overall design of the area and with the emergencies of lot A; leaving in the design hypothesis the opportunity to allocate lot B as a new trade fair for the city, whose buildings offer large spaces overlooking an important green public void. 
Inside the area, therefore, a new type of landscape is reconfigured to unite the interrupted parts of the urban weave. The project aims to protect the lives of citizens whose rituals are transfigured in architectural themes in a necessary moment of sharing.
The compositional process takes place in three recognizable moments of different intensity: first of all a new intervention, the rewriting of two pre-existing and than the completion of a third, which, with the same language, will define a new architectural identity and will intervene in a distinct manner affecting various activities collective.
The great architecture is declined as a long open-air promenade, becoming a threshold and a shadow area. It blends with the surrounding vegetation that penetrates the sites of the long perspective portals, which are an important theme of design. A theatre, an area for recreational and public activities, a playground interested in the presence of sports activities, define the issues that this space holds for itself. A set of activities that complement the surrounding buildings,  are restored through the new "green" texture and they are given back to the entire city.